Organic eLearning (OE-Learning)

Research Paper (postgraduate), 2012

13 Pages



In this paper an attempt has been made to highlight the different E-Learning concepts and frameworks currently prevalent and in use. The objective of research is to propose a model for e-learning to enhance the existing capabilities and prepare it for meeting the futuristic technical needs and educational goals. Using an exploratory research methodology we have tried to achieve the stated objective. Also a new term organic computer based environment (OCBE) has been coined. OE-Learning model using organic IT technology will eliminate the changing technology concept and new race for new architectures.



Learning is the acquisition and development of memories and behaviors. This includes skills, knowledge, understanding, values, and wisdom. More specifically learning is the product of experience and the goal of education. An education/learning system has two requirements: (1) medium (2) learner or student. In a traditional learning environment the medium is either an instructor/teacher or a set of document. In a classroom learning environment the mode of imparting education has a personal and direct approach. The learning is facilitated by the tutor in an interactive environment where he modulates the pace and intelligently observes the class to assess the needs and gaps and fulfill the same thus making learning simple and interesting, E-Learning concerns the computer-based implementation of a system of education (Andreev and Troyanova, 2006). E-learning began as computer-based training (CBT), which means standalone CDROM training courses (and before this videodisc courses) playing on end user computers, standalone training stations, and sometimes across client/server LANs and later evolved to Web based training and others. JIT (Just in time) learning is the feature most relished among the learners, in an e-learning environment. Through the internet, learners can freely absorb knowledge without the restriction of time and place as based on self availability and can start the learning. It is not constrained by the class schedule or instructor availability. To seek competitive advantage and to cash on the Return on Investment of e-learning, companies as well as educational organizations have adopted e-learning to meet their learning objective. A growing number of physical universities, as well as newer online-only colleges, have began to offering a selected set of academic degree and certificate programs via the Internet. This has made e-learning a potential business. With the rapidly changing e-learning environment architectures and technology, learners also need to upgrade their software and hardware in order to access the courses.

Different models have been proposed for e-learning in order to improve teacher-learner relationship and to make the learner comfortable. Like for on-demand learning, library of quick reference guides and desktop application training manuals in addition to our collection of e-learning resources is needed. The development of current Distance Education system for e-learning can roughly be classified into three types (Chang etal, 2004):

(1) Multicast Teaching System-Here teacher and learner are at different locations and they use network technology, video/audio and multimedia teaching materials. Two way real time communications between the teacher and the student is possible.
(2) Virtual Classroom Teaching System- This type of system adapts one set of teaching management system to simulate the scenario of attending class in a classroom. Both of them can link to the teaching management system at any time through the Internet in front of computer for teaching or learning.
(3) Video on Demand (VoD) Teaching System- Using this technology students can obtain the learning teaching materials through the internet by using the computer or TV furnished with Set-Top Box and to process distance learning in accordance with personal learning speed by controlling the broadcasting process where a system can receive on-demand audio-visual content over a network.

Our methodology of research is exploratory as secondary data has been used; here the researcher has given new proposals for overcoming the flaws prevailing in existing literature.

Issues with e-Learning

- Learners may require purchase/upgrade of the computer system.
- Technical difficulties or operator error may hamper students and instructors.
- Students and instructors may have gaps in their computer knowledge in such areas as Windows, so they will require training in computer basics before they can start the online learning training.
- Initial costs of developing courses may be considerable, depending on the approach taken.
- Instructors may need to become familiar with electronic text books; Internet-based research material, copyright, and other e-learning related topics.
- Internet bandwidth may not be robust enough to support the desired level of multimedia.
- People working in the eLearning field at an individual location may be pioneers and not have the support of a network of more experienced colleagues


Excerpt out of 13 pages


Organic eLearning (OE-Learning)
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In this paper an open model for education system has been proposed.Also an oe-learning model is suggested for implementation, research and further study.
E-learning, oe-learning, education, organic, organic IT
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Manisha Kumari Deep (Author), 2012, Organic eLearning (OE-Learning), Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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