Kant and the Liberal Democratic Peace Theory - the Cases of Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan

Essay, 2010

9 Pages, Grade: 1.7

Abstract or Introduction

Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan being the wars discussed most controversial in the last decade are also an important subject matter for the political theory (Kugler et al., 2004; Mearsheimer/Walt, 2003). Especially their use as falsifying cases against the liberal notion of democratic peace theory is prominent – though questionable (Panke/Risse, 2007). Kant and his successors in the tradition of the liberal democratic peace theory can to a certain extent be defended even considering the recent wars – at east on the surface; these were fought between despotic states and democracies and therefore do not stand in opposition to the liberal peace theory in its ‘narrow form’. Nevertheless, closer analysis reveals that the recent conflicts can be used as examples of severe violations of part of Kant’s predictions and arguments. These arguments will be exposed within the first part of the essay formulated by Immanuel Kant already in 1795 (Kant, 2007). Afterwards the theoretical discussion will be expanded towards contemporary followers, such as Doyle (1983). They form what is often stated as the liberal democratic peace theory. Subsequently, the cases of Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan as possible points of falsifications against the trustworthiness of the theoretical arguments presented beforehand will be analysed.


Kant and the Liberal Democratic Peace Theory - the Cases of Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan
Royal Holloway, University of London
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Book)
File size
456 KB
Liberal Theory, Kant, Democratic Peace Theory, Political Theory, Iraq War, Afghanistan War, Kosovo War, Liberal Peace, Utopian Peace, Perpetual Peace
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Johannes Lenhard (Author), 2010, Kant and the Liberal Democratic Peace Theory - the Cases of Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/147664


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